Watermelon farming in Kenya is becoming increasingly popular among farmers, particularly in the Central and Eastern regions. The country has an ideal climate for growing watermelons, with warm temperatures, sunshine, and water. The soil in Kenya is also ideal for growing watermelons, being rich in organic matter and having good drainage. Watermelons can be grown in various ways, including open fields, plastic tunnels, and greenhouses. Farmers in Kenya have been using a combination of these methods to maximize their watermelon yields.

Farmers in Kenya can get good yields from their watermelon crops by using the right irrigation techniques, providing adequate nutrition and soil fertility, and controlling pests and diseases. Additionally, farmers must ensure that their watermelons are harvested at the right time to maximize their profits. Watermelon farming in Kenya is becoming an increasingly important source of income for farmers in the country. With the right techniques and practices, farmers can get good yields from their watermelon crops and profit well.
Factors to consider in watermelon farming
- Climate and Soil: Watermelons grow best in warm, sunny weather with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C. The soil should be well-drained, rich in organic matter, and have a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. Ideal regions for watermelon farming in Kenya include the eastern and coastal regions.
- Seed Selection: There are different watermelon varieties, and selecting a variety best suited to your specific growing conditions is crucial. Some popular watermelon varieties in Kenya include Sugar Baby, Crimson Sweet, Charleston Gray, and Congo.
- Land Preparation: The land should be cleared of weeds or debris and plowed to a depth of about 30cm. Adding manure or compost to improve soil fertility is also essential.
- Planting: Watermelon seeds should be sown in rows, with a spacing of about 2m between the rows and 1m between the plants. Planting the seeds during the rainy season when moist soil is recommended. Transplanting can also be done using seedlings.
- Irrigation: Watermelon plants require consistent moisture throughout their growth, especially during flowering and fruiting stages. Drip irrigation or furrow irrigation is recommended.
- Pest and Disease Control: Common pests that attack watermelon plants include aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. Diseases such as powdery mildew and bacterial wilt can also affect the crop. Proper management practices such as crop rotation, using certified seeds, and regular scouting for pests and diseases can help control the problem.
- Harvesting: Watermelons are ready for harvesting 75-100 days after planting. Harvesting is done when the fruit surface color changes to dull and the underside turns yellow. A sharp knife or machete should cut the fruit from the vine.
What are the steps for watermelon farming in Kenya?
- Land Preparation: Clear the land and plow it well to a depth of about 30 centimeters. Add organic matter, such as manure, to improve soil fertility.
- Seed Selection: Select healthy seeds that are resistant to pests and diseases. The popular varieties for watermelon farming in Kenya include Sugar Baby, Charleston Gray, Crimson Sweet, and Pato F1.
- Planting: Watermelon can be planted either by direct seeding or transplanting. If you are direct seeding, plant the seeds at a depth of about 2.5 centimeters, with a spacing of 90 centimeters between rows and 60 centimeters between plants. If you are transplanting, plant the seedlings at the same spacing.
- Irrigation: Watermelon requires a lot of water, especially during the fruiting stage. Irrigate the crops regularly to ensure that the soil remains moist.
- Fertilizer Application: Apply a balanced fertilizer, such as NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), to the soil about three weeks after planting. You can also apply a foliar fertilizer during the growth period.
- Pest and Disease Control: Watermelon is susceptible to various pests and diseases, including aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, powdery mildew, and downy mildew. Apply pesticides and fungicides to control the pests and diseases.
- Harvesting: Watermelon is ready for harvesting about 80 to 100 days after planting. Look for signs that the fruit is ripe, such as a dull sound and a yellow spot on the bottom when you tap it. Cut the fruit from the stem using a sharp knife.
- Marketing: Sell the watermelons at the local market or to distributors transporting them to other markets. Proper storage and transportation are critical to maintain the quality of the fruits.
What is the best irrigation method for watermelon farming?

The best irrigation method for watermelon farming is drip irrigation. This method is the most efficient and effective way to irrigate watermelon crops. The benefits of using drip irrigation for watermelon farming include the following:
- Reduced water consumption: Drip irrigation uses less water than traditional irrigation methods, making it more efficient and cost-effective. This helps conserve water, especially in areas with limited water resources.
- Improved plant health: Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the root zone of the plants, providing them with the exact amount of water they need. This helps to promote healthier and more vigorous plant growth.
- Less weed growth: Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the plants’ root zone, preventing weeds from competing for water. This helps to reduce the amount of weeding that needs to be done.
- Reduced soil erosion: Drip irrigation delivers water slowly and steadily, which helps reduce soil erosion. This helps to protect the soil from being washed away, which is important for maintaining healthy soil structure.
- Reduced labor costs: Drip irrigation systems are automated and require minimal maintenance. This helps to reduce labor costs, which can be a significant expense for watermelon farmers.