Aqua Hub’s PVC Ball Corks are the best in the Kenyan market.

Call : +254790719020 for orders and inquiries.

What is a PVC ball cork?

PVC Ball Corks

A ball Cork is a device use to control water flow in a drip irrigation system. A ball cork works in subsections or blocks of farms to regulate water supply to different farm sections.

Features of Ball Corks

How Much is a PVC Ball Cork in Kenya

The price of PVC ball cork in Kenya ranges from KES 250 to KES 1500 depending on the size available.

PVC Ball Valve Suppliers in Kenya

Aqua Hub Kenya deals with PVC ball valves which are applicable drip, sprinkler and rain hose connections.
Get your drip irrigation kits package inclusive of the recommended ball corks as per the size of your farm and layout of the drip system.

PVC Ball Corks and Fittings Supplier in Nairobi

We exist as a reliable pipes and fittings dealer in the city of Nairobi with our prices favorable to everybody.
Call : +254790719020

PVC irrigation Systems in Nyeri

Aqua Hub also delivers to those around nyeri, muranga, Kirinyaga and other parts of the central kenya Region.

Call : +254790719020

Our Services Extends to Installation

Unlike most suppliers, we do not leave you stranded looking for technicians to go and install your ball corks or entire irrigation systems.
If you need installation, we send our technicians to your farm who come and handle the installation imminently.
Call : +254790719020

What does Cork ball do?

PVC Ball Valves allow irrigation systems to be turned on, reduce water flow or allow complete water flow to different sections.

What size cork balls?

Ball Valves are available in different sizes from diameter range of 20 mm to 110mm sizes which are suitable for various applications.

How do Ball Valves work?

Ball valves interior part contains a ball with a hole which aligns with the direction of flow and allows water to pass when the valve on.
To shut off the water flow, close the valve red knob, the ball becomes perpendicular to the water flow direction and blocks the water flow.

Ball Valve Vs Gate Valves: Which is the Best to Use

Ball corks are designed to allow quick shut off unlike gate valves which may not turn faster.
Ball corks are better to use in water supply systems that requires fast cycle speeds.

Should I Use a Ball Valve or Gate Valve?

Many people may wonder whether to use a gate valve or ball valve. Even though they operate the same, your choice should depend on where you want to use and the operation.
Frequently operated irrigation systems may be ideal for ball cork connections.

When can you use a Ball Valve?

Ball valves are for irrigation systems that need regulation or supply water to different farm sections. In a branch entering every farm section, a ball valve is ideal to regulate water flow and prevent excessive irrigation.

Where can Ball Valves work?

What are the Common Applications of Ball Corks?

How to Choose Ball Corks

When deciding on which ball valve to buy for your irrigation system, you should consider the factors below;

How to Install Ball Valves to Irrigation Systems

When installing ball corks, position it in a way that the arrow points the direction of flow.
To install ball corks on your irrigation identify whether it is threaded or non-threaded as their procedure may vary.
For threaded ball cork;

Use a male adapter to connect the pipes on the point that needs a ball valve.
For non threaded ball corks;

  1. Cut the pipe at the sections where a ball cork is required, clean the pipe and apply a glue sealant.
  2. Ensure the PVC pipe is slightly bigger than the pipe diameter
  3. insert the pipe ends into the PVC ball cork ends and wait to dry.

Advantages of Ball Valves

High Efficiency: Using ball valves in your drip irrigation system prevents overwatering and underwatering of crops.
Easier Irrigation and Management: The idea of irrigation of the farm one section at a time allows ease when monitoring the irrigation rate.
Low Maintenance Needs: Ball corks do not need high attention as they often last for a long time in high-pressure water flow.
Durable: PVC ball corks last for a long time due to their strength and resistance to harsh climate conditions.
Reliability: Ball corks are reliable for application with different kinds of irrigation pipes including PVC and HDPE pipes.
Versatility: PVC ball corks are applicable in many water supply applications apart from the use in irrigation systems.
Cheap to Buy: You can get ball corks at a very affordable price in the market. Aqua Hub’s prices are convenient for your budget.
Easy to Install and Use; PVC ball Valves enhances easier installation and removal or opening in case of repair needs.

How to Maintain Ball Valves

Ball cork maintenance includes regular inspection, cleaning and monitoring to identify leaks or worn-out parts.

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