Greenhouse Polythene Prices in Kenya vary according to thickness. The most prevalent is 200 microns, which costs around Ksh 90 per square meter. Aqua Hub is Kenya’s best supplier of greenhouse paper. We are a Kenyan greenhouse company that sells various types of greenhouse equipment. In Kenya, the cost of various greenhouse polythene films varies. We provide three different types of greenhouse polythene sheets, each with a different micron count and UV treatment. Greenhouse polythene can be applicable in both high and low-altitude settings. Our greenhouse polythene is composed of long-lasting low-density polyethylene for exceptional clarity, strength, and durability. It is weather-resistant, tear-proof, and allows for more light transmission for plant photosynthesis.

Greenhouse Polythene paper in Kenya

Greenhouse Polythene Prices in Kenya
Greenhouse Polythene Prices in Kenya

Greenhouse paper, also known as a greenhouse polythene sheet, is a special plastic film often used wrap a greenhouse, dividing it from the outside environment. The greenhouse polythene sheet is UV treated and 200 microns thick. It is available in white and yellow.

The primary purposes of greenhouse sheets are to keep the interior environment separate from the outside environment and to transmit as much controlled light as possible. The cover optimizes plant growth and light transmission. To increase the cover’s tensile strength, we add enough light stabilizers.

Our polythene for greenhouses is UV-protected and extremely strong and durable. They are simple to set up. The polythene covering of the greenhouse offers the crops physical defense against winds, rain, insects, and other natural calamities.

Greenhouse Polythene Prices in Kenya

Our greenhouse polythene cover costs Ksh. 96 per square meter in Kenya and comes in white and nectarine hues.

 Yellow, 200 Microns    90/-
Milky White, 200 Microns    90/-
Clear, 200 Microns    90/-

What are the types of Greenhouse Polythene Paper?

Clear (sometimes referred to as milky white) and yellow are the two primary colors of greenhouse polythene. The color options will depend on the crop cultivated.

Yellow greenhouse films are ideal for colder climates and higher elevations. They are quite good at avoiding drips and fog. Growers of cucumbers and vibrant plants, mainly flowers, come highly recommended.

Nectarine Clear or milky white greenhouse films are appropriate for farms in high elevations or areas with extremely low temperatures. They are slightly warmer at night than they are during the day. They are ideal for plants like peppers and tomatoes.

What are the benefits of Greenhouse Polythene Paper?

Greenhouse Polythene Prices in Kenya
Greenhouse Polythene Prices in Kenya

A greenhouse paper’s principal functions are to keep the interior environment insulated from the outside environment and to transmit as much regulated light as possible. The cover promotes plant development and increases light transmission. We add enough light stabilizers to the cover to boost its tensile strength. Our UV-protected polythene for greenhouses is incredibly sturdy and durable. They are easy to set up. The polythene covering of the greenhouse provides physical protection for the crops against winds, rain, insects, and other natural calamities.

  1. As a result, it extends your growing season. It also extends growing seasons even in colder months.
  2. Growing a variety of plants, especially high-value ones, can help you enhance your income.
  3. You can avoid insect problems by growing your vegetables in a greenhouse. This includes rodents, illnesses, and pests.
  4. The environment in which the plants are growing is excellent.
  5. Plants are protected from weather-related damage.
  6. Less toxic insecticides are used.
  7. Beneficial insects are safeguarded, including bees and ladybirds.

Aqua Hub Limited provides you with the best and high-quality greenhouse polythene paper. Our greenhouse polythene paper prices in Kenya are very affordable. We also supply all the greenhouse equipment that you may need for your greenhouse construction. We are also a certified company in greenhouse installation services in Kenya. Reach out to us to get the best greenhouse deals, NAIROBI: 0790719020 or ELDORET: 0759372241.

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