Aqua Hub’s button drippers are among the effective ways to distribute water to your entire farm in a slow manner. It is essential to identify the needs of your crop water needs and learn what kind of button drippers are available to deliver the expectations.

Button drippers are small devices that produce slow water movement right at the base area of the plant roots. They are available in different types such as pressure compensating, adjustable, and non-adjustable ones.


Factors to Consider when Selecting Button Drippers

The rate of Flow

The crop’s water intake is directly impacted by the dripper’s flow rate. To guarantee that the crop receives the proper amount of water supply and uniformity, choose the proper flow rate. It is also important to integrate the crop’s water demand characteristics, soil conditions, and irrigation system’s overall flow.

Landscape or Terrain

Choose button drippers while considering the type of land or terrain where you are growing your crops. For a hilly landscape, it is ideal to use pressure-compensating button drippers and non-pressure compensating on flat areas.

Type of dripper

Selection can be based on the ideal flow rate or distribution uniformity and capacity. You can, for example, decide to use adjustable button drippers if you are growing crops with high and changing water needs.

How to Use Button Drippers

Button Drippers are best for use in the irrigation of fruits, trees and flowers.

Fruits such as passion fruits, banana plantations, avocado, macadamia, tangerine, orange, apples, and mango

Irrigating newly transplanted Tree seedlings such as cypress, eucalyptus, Kei apples e.t.c.

For adjustable drippers you can increase or lower the flow rate to suit the weather condition and plant growth stage.

To begin irrigation, the best time is early morning or late afternoon for proper water penetration without much loss to the atmosphere and scorching sun.

Often, you start the irrigation by opening the water supply gate valve at the source tank, then open the valves on the branch of the mainline and delivery pipe. Wait till the plant receives enough water for almost 10 minutes though it will depend on the crop type. Then close the valves to stop the irrigation.

Benefits of Our Button Drippers

Highly Efficient and Water-saving Technology

Button drip system implements an advanced design to provide precise water delivery. It therefore lowers the head losses and increases irrigation efficiency.

Provides Uniform Irrigation

The spacing on a delivery line is at uniform intervals where plants are planted. It, therefore, conveys equal water and nutrient supply to the root zones of the crops and in the end leads to a uniform growth rate.

Ease of Installation

Button drippers are very easy to install on delivery lines. You don’t require much complex expertise, just need a lase punch to drill the delivery pipe, place the rubber ring, and insert the button dripper on the hole.

Low maintenance costs

The irrigation system is less prone to damage, clogs, or faulty sections. Your system should have water filters and therefore the button drippers do not clog easily.

Cost of Button Drippers in Kenya

The button drippers cost as low as KES 13 per piece at Aqua Hub Kenya.

Call 0790719020 to buy.

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