Drip Irrigation is the best method of watering crops as it saves on water and provides enough nutrients. However, it is a critical irrigation system and requires a lot of maintenance.  Learn ways for better maintenance of drip irrigation in Kenya with Aqua Hub, the best irrigation solution expert.

What is drip Irrigation?

Maintenance of Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation involves balancing water and nutrients that are fed into crops planted in a line or spaced pattern. It works with pipe connections and fittings that securely attach pipes.

What Drip Irrigation Has for You

You probably may have heard about drip irrigation being the best and most robust method of water application. This method keeps your soil moist and ready for plant growth.

On places where the growing seasons are short, you can use drip irrigation for a full back-to-back seasonal production. By that case, you already have a solution for poor production caused by shorter rainfall seasons.

What indicates a need for Maintenance of Drip Irrigation System?

Practices for better Maintenance of Drip Irrigation Systems

Frequent Pipe Checks and Repairs

It is important to always look out for any pipe faults or damage. You can obtain a schedule for checks and maintenance. Repairs may be necessary for broken pipes or blocked parts.

Flushing Drip Irrigation

Flushing the drip irrigation pipe connection is a critical practice to remove the accumulation of sand or sediments.

Cleaning water filters

Water filters are devices that trap soil or other particles in the drip irrigation system. If they get filled up, they do not function again. To ensure they remain functional, open and clean them regularly.

Replacing damaged water Filters

If water filters get old, the mesh filters may become ineffective and may be the cause of high sand content in the drip lines.

Importance of Maintenance of drip irrigation system

We should be vigilant when working with drip irrigation and emitters to ensure effective water supply to crops.

Regular maintenance of drip irrigation systems helps identify and rectify problems earlier. The earlier you detect pipe leaks or damaged parts, the less the loss occurs.

Once you fix an issue, for example, drip lines clogging, the irrigation water and nutrients can reach all plant lines.

Where to Buy Drip Irrigation Kits in Kenya

Aqua Hub Kenya is the ideal supplier of pipes and fittings. Consider us for guidance on better maintenance of drip irrigation systems.

We are the best company to approach as we not only sell but also engage in quality installation of smart irrigation systems.

Call 0790719020

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