Water Pumps exist in various types that are reliable for fluid supply in areas ranging from agriculture, water reservoirs, industries, or residences
Designing a pump requires consideration of the application, flow rates, and pressure needed to move water.
All Water pumps work under the same principle which involves the generation of force or pressure. The pressure generated acts on water to enter outlets and flow into delivery pipes.
What is the work of Water Pumps?
Water pumps make work easier by providing the energy to move or suction water from one point to another.
Pumps can be used to draw water from deep wells and boreholes below the ground or boost water flow pressure in a pipeline.
Types of Water Pumps
Pumps fall into two main categories according to their design and how they operate.
Positive Displacement Pumps
It works with a diaphragm that contracts and expands while rotating to move water. As the impeller rotates its axis pushes water to the outlet.
Suitable for fluids with high viscosity as they are highly efficient and rarely trap air.
Centrifugal Pumps
Centrifugal water pumps come in two types: surface and submersible models.
Designed with impellers that rotate and push water to the outlet.
To ensure optimal operation of the pump, it is important to prime or fill it with the pumped fluid.
They are good for moving less viscous fluids due to their low-pressure ratings.
Centrifugal pumps are widely applicable in various water uses. They are suitable for the supply of domestic water, agriculture, boosting pressure of irrigation systems, and draining water pans.
Rotary Displacement Pumps
They are commonly effective in supplying highly viscous fluids such as lubricating oil. They include gear pumps, screw pumps, hollow disk pumps, rotary vane pumps, and vibratory pumps.
Dynamic Pumps
Velocity pumps for increasing the pressure and speed of fluid flow in a fluid supply system.
Applicable in supply of crude oil, water, chemicals, and other industrial uses.
Submersible Pumps
Types of pumps that are designed to work while submerged in water. They enhance suction by reducing the pressure and allow continuous suction with the help of foot valves.
They are available in different types including borehole, sewage, sump and drainage submersible pumps.
Submersible pumps are applicable in suction of water from wells, basements and pumping oil in oil wells.
Diaphragm Pumps
A type of positive displacement pump with a rubber diaphragm and pump chamber that increases or decreases to enhance pumping action.
When the volume of a chamber is increased, the pressure will diminish and as a result the fluid will make its way in the chamber.
Applicable for supply of abrasive chemicals such as acids and bleaching agents.
What to Consider when Choosing Water Pumps
- Flow rate of the pump
- Pressure rating denoted in Hosepower
- Motor design
- Recommended power source and consumption rates. Electricity, fuel, solar or gas
- Material of manufacture.. Consider materials that resist corrosion or rust.
- Discharge Rate of the Pump
- Suction Height
- The operation’s site and size, as well as the distance involved.
Prices of Water Pumps
Water pump prices range from KES 5,000 to KES 150,000 according to the size and brand of the pump.
Where to Buy Pumps in Kenya
Aqua Hub Kenya is the best place to seek permanent solutions for water pumps to curb supply challenges in Kenya.
Call 0790719020